How to increase sales with an efficient Mobile Marketing strategy

May 8, 2024
3 minute read
How to increase sales with an efficient Mobile Marketing strategy

Some data

There are over 5 billion mobile phone users worldwide. This number is expected to continue growing in the coming years, as more and more people around the world gain access to mobile technology. Additionally, many people have more than one device, such as a smartphone or tablet, which further increases the total number of mobile users.So attending to this, it’s clear why mobile marketing is important, but there are more reasons:

  • The majority of internet users now access the internet from mobile devices, and many people spend a significant amount of their time on their phones. This makes it crucial for businesses to be able to reach and engage with customers on their mobile devices.
  • Mobile marketing can provide a more personalized and convenient experience for customers, which can help to increase customer engagement and drive sales.
  • This strategy can also help businesses collect valuable data about their customers’ preferences and behaviors, which can be used to improve their marketing efforts and target their messages more effectively.

For example, if our audience are young people, it will make more sense to invest resources in social media such as Instagram, whose mobile penetration is almost 100%. Here, we will offer customizedcontent to the user which will allow us to collect data such as whether they have seen our ad, clicked on it, etc. and drive efforts around this: remarketing, email nurturing…

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is a form of marketing that is specifically designed to reach and engage with customers on their mobile devices. Mobile marketing can also include tactics like mobile advertising, where businesses place ads on mobile websites or apps (Google Display, Meta Ads, LinkedIn Ads, programmatic advertising…) and mobile-optimized email marketing, where businesses send emails that are optimized for viewing on a mobile device. The goal of mobile marketing is to reach and engage with customers on their phones, where they are likely to spend a significant amount of their time.

What is a mobile strategy?

A mobile strategy is a plan for how an organization can use mobile technology to achieve its business goals. This can include everything: from designing a mobile-friendly website, to creating a mobile app, to using mobile marketing tactics like SMS and push notifications to reach customers as we mentioned. The goal of a mobile strategy is to help an organization better serve its customers and achieve its objectives by leveraging the ubiquity and convenience of mobile devices. This can include improving customer engagement, increasing sales, streamlining operations, or any other business-related goals.

Ok, so now, the tricky part: how can I improve sales with a mobile strategy?

There are several steps you can take. First, make sure your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate on a mobile device. This will make it easy for customers to find and purchase your products on their phones. Next, consider creating a mobile app for your business. This can provide a more seamless and personalized shopping experience for your customers, and can also help you collect valuable data about their preferences and behaviors. Additionally, consider using mobile marketing tactics like SMS marketing and push notifications to reach and engage with customers on their phones. Finally, make sure your checkout process is quick and easy on mobile, to minimize friction and encourage more sales.

Mobile strategy tips

  • Start by identifying your business goals and how mobile technology can help you achieve them. This will help you prioritize your efforts and ensure that your mobile strategy aligns with your overall business objectives.
  • Use mobile marketing tactics like SMS and push notifications to reach and engage with customers on their phones. These tactics can be highly effective for driving sales and promoting special offers or new products. Here you can find some interesting tools:
  • Monitor and track the effectiveness of your mobile strategy, and make adjustments as needed based on the data you collect. This will help you continually improve your mobile efforts and maximize their impact on your business.

Nowadays, online shoppers want to make their returns wherever and whenever they want. That's why at REVER we dedicate our efforts regarding good usability in both mobile and web browser.We have a clear goal: enable customers to exchange or return products in just two clicks. As shoppers, we buy products online and receive them at home within 24 hours, but when we need to make any exchange or return we face difficult and time consuming processes (forms, emails etc.) Currently, the average time to get a refund is more than 14 days in Europe, which is in contrast to the increasing demands of consumers.We strongly believe that returns and exchanges should be as easy as buying, and we make this possible by allowing online shoppers to request returns in just two clicks and a couple of minutes. What's more, doing this is good for your business. When a user buys online, one of the first things they look at is the returns policy: 89% of all online shoppers say they would never shop again if they have had a bad experience in the returning or exchanging process.

May 8, 2024
3 minute read

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