Drive end-of-year sales to the finish line

May 8, 2024
Aina Lino
3 minute read
Drive end-of-year sales to the finish line

Used to shopping with industry leaders, your customers expect an optimal experience from start to finish.Online shoppers' behavior and interaction with brands is changing.The rise of online shopping gives you the opportunity to interact with several new potential customers. Consumers are moving and adapting with the times, thus businesses need to do the same.To stand out, ecommerce sites must anticipate changes in the market. The post-pandemic period we are entering will determine how online shopping, digital marketing and advertising will work going forward.

Tips to lift the last sales of the year

Build loyalty with your best customersThrough your database, identify your best customers and capture their attention.

  • Send a greeting and take the opportunity to hand gifts. This can serve as a hook to attract customers for a new service or product.
  • Offer discounts for purchases made before the end of the year to close sales by the end of 2022.
  • Bring news forward and make them feel exclusive.

Raise prices according to a value contributionMonetize your customer portfolio with an extra value contribution. If you have raised or are going to raise your rates at the end of the year, you should communicate the reasons to your current clients, which could be new skills acquired or an increase in productivity.

  • Stories are engaging. Empathize with your customers and make them feel part of your achievements. You can tell them how the company has evolved this year.
  • Build a new value proposition and explain what it is. If customers know they will receive more value, they will want to know how they will benefit.
  • Replace services or products that you will no longer offer and inform your customers with a transparent argument.

Conduct a launchThe release of campaigns usually comes with a revenue spike. Launching a new product or service can be the push you need to close the year with better figures.Take advantage of special campaigns

  • Generate buzz. Inform your audience that you are preparing special promotions for these special dates by creating compelling content and sharing it through different channels.
  • Implement remarketing campaigns. The new year is the perfect occasion to attract the attention of those who have already visited your products or services, but did not buy. Discounts can be a lure for them to become your customers.
  • Add an item in the reference navigation menu and capture the attention of all users who enter your website. In one click, they will find all the offers you have active.

Invest in advertisingAdvertising is the most effective way to reach new customers while attracting the attention of existing ones.Targeting is paramount; define the profile of the person you want to show your ads to. Nowadays, all platforms have an advanced degree of targeting and allow you to filter your contacts. Some of the most used platforms to place ads are Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and Google AdWords.With these actions well implemented, you can increase the amount of sales considerably. To take on the volume without risk, you must have a prepared and optimized after-sales process. The return and refund experience you offer your customers can determine whether they will buy from your e-commerce site again.[hubspot type="form" portal="25799159" id="cd1c9ec1-2b99-42c3-9c0b-306be6b94bfb"]

May 8, 2024
Aina Lino
3 minute read

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